The word psychotherapy has Greek origins. Psyche means mind and Therapeuein means to heal.

Therefore, psychotherapy is a process aimed at treating issues related to the mind


"All of us experience situations and traumas throughout our lives, big or small.

In the face of trauma, our brain kicks into survival mode, and our nervous system becomes overwhelmed with sensations and feelings of danger.

Our brain also goes into defense mode, repressing and forgetting these painful situations. That's why we often suffer without understanding why.

Life changes also cause instability: adolescence, changing jobs, countries, relationships, etc.

Psychoanalytic theory seeks to understand the functioning of the human mind and assumes that psychic processes are largely unconscious.

In other words, according to psychoanalysis, we are not conscious of many factors that define our emotions and behaviors.

During the therapeutic process, childhood memories and experiences are also investigated, as they are of great importance in understanding the unconscious.

In psychoanalysis, the person can say whatever comes to mind, without any restriction, and should not worry about feelings of guilt or shame, as this is how the therapist will be able to help in finding answers to current problems.

Through my work, I can help people discover new tools and resources so they can find relief from the difficulties, conflicts, and dilemmas they have been carrying for years.

The process of self-discovery is very important for us to understand the flood of emotions we experience throughout our lives.

Often, small situations that may seem insignificant end up having a huge impact on our lives, and if we don't look at them with care and acceptance, we will drag them through life.

Repeating patterns that cause us suffering without knowing exactly where the problem lies.

With psychoanalytic therapy, we can, with great care and empathy, review these events and give them a different meaning so that we can live a more meaningful life.

When we are not emotionally balanced and do not know ourselves deeply, we suffer from depression, anxiety, panic syndrome, among other ailments, and live in a state of reaction, flight, or freeze in the face of life.

This makes our lives heavy and takes us away from our purpose and lightness.

Therapy sessions are 50 minutes weekly, where the patient speaks freely, and I assist in the process of reframing and self-discovery."

About the therapeutic process

About my approach

"Lacan began by advocating for a 'return to Freud' and ended up suggesting a new therapy that explores the unconscious not to excavate the past, but to propose new ways of living the future."


Trauma theory

"Focus on the connection between mental and physical health. Specializing in trauma and how it leads us to excess: shopping, alcohol consumption, work, relationships, physical exercise, aesthetics, gambling, etc."

Jacques Lacan

Gabor Maté

Non-violent communication

"They advocate for a peaceful approach to problem resolution and non-judgmental listening, causing the parties to pause and reflect on another perspective, bringing empathy to a moment of conflict."

Marshall Rosenberg

Three components: Mindfulness, being kind to oneself, and being aware of one's own humanity. Self-criticism shuts down the brain's learning centers, robbing the resources needed to learn and grow.


Kristin Neff

I believe that we are complex and individual beings, which is why I rely on several theorists to provide a higher quality service.

How does it work?

Sessions lasting 50 minutes occur weekly because therapy is a process, and it's essential for both sides to commit to achieving the best results.

The sessions are online, meaning you can be anywhere in the world.

"I'll accompany you every step of the way throughout the process. My intention is to make you emotionally stronger and healthier for more lightness in your life."

Important information about the Psychotherapeutic process

It is weekly sessions of 50 minutes each. They are held at Skype.

The sessions will occur according to the common availability between the Psychoanalyst and the patient, on a day and time stipulated between both parties.

Once a day and time for the sessions have been signed, a commitment is then established by both parties, that is, I make myself available to assist you on this pre-arranged day and time

Please, be respectful of the time. In case of delay, the time will be deducted from the current session, not exceeding the stipulated time limit for each session.

Any patient absences or reschedule must be communicated by message, at least 48 hours before the session time.

When the 48-hour notice is given, the patient will be able to negotiate the eventual replacement of the session on a pre-scheduled date and time.

If the session is canceled outside this period, it will be considered as a normal session and you must pay.


The sessions can be performed in English or Portuguese.

As a therapist, in a situation of force majeure, I may cancel an appointment without stating reasons and reschedule to another day, to be determined in consultation with you.

Payment Information

The therapy sessions must be paid 48 hours in advance via Stripe.

You don't need a Stripe account, you can pay by credit or debit card this way.

Once we set our appoitment I will send you the payment link.

What people saw about me

"Beatriz is an incredible psychoanalyst! She is passionate, experienced, and extremely attentive. Not only is she always professional, but she's also so pleasant and has always been mindful to be person-centered. I couldn't be more impressed with how easy it is to work with her and highly recommend her services to others who may be struggling with life's tough challenges."

— United States

"Beatriz helped me navigate my thoughts. She strengthened my decision-making and self-esteem. Her manner is calming, reassuring, and you know she won't judge you. For me, what I appreciated most was the extra time and effort she dedicated to finding activities, books, and videos for me to explore."

— Portugal

"I've been in therapy before, but this time something was different from the very beginning. Several doubts and fears I shared were addressed both logically and emotionally, together. With this approach to handling these issues, and the way Beatriz notices signs and small details that I myself didn't notice, it's been an incredible asset to my progress in taking care of my mental health. Not to mention how welcoming and attentive she is."
— Belo Horizonte